How I’ve learned Leadership from a 15 year old….

How I’ve learned Leadership from a 15 year old….

Who would have thought that at my age…and in all my years of education, specialized training, and management, I would learn the most impactful and significant leadership fundamentals from a 15 year old young man. `

My son has always had a passion for football. He is the starting Quarterback for his JV football team. Quarterbacks are expected to carry certain leadership characteristics, and sadly they receive a lot abuse from spectators. It seems quarterbacks take on the most pressure for the success of the team. It is quite honestly frustrating and scary for the mom of a quarterback! Afterall, Spectators know what play should have been called, who was “open” on the play, and the reason for the incomplete pass…Right? (Insert eye roll)

This year I have realized that my son has (all of a sudden) become a man. I see how hard he works at everything he does. He is passionate and determined. While observing him this football season,  I have learned more about leadership than I ever thought I could. He’s played teams that simply play dirty, his path has crossed refs that obviously have one sided intentions, and he’s encountered some players who are simply out for themselves. None of these situations rocked or swayed #14. After having conversations with him about these situations I realized some amazingly refreshing characteristics about him.

Selfless- He will always put his team before himself. It’s not about him.

Humble- He always admits his mistakes and LEARNS from them.

Poise- He stays calm in the midst of the pressure.

Respect- He respects his coaches (leaders) and remains teachable.

Curious- He observes others and listens. He knows he can learn something from everyone.

Humility- He always gives credit to his TEAM and deflects from himself. (Even after scoring 2 touchdowns and one interception!)

Protective- The team is his family, regardless of what is going on around him he will always stand up for every single one of them.

Common sense- He is smart enough to know when it’s time to speak up and stand his ground, and when its time to just remain silent.

Courage- He has the strength to remain true to himself. He will not allow someone else to define him.

Heart- He is passionate about “the sport”.  

In the end, he RESPECTS his team, and LOVES the game.  #14 YOU are a ROCKSTAR! Thank you for what you have taught me. I will continue to learn from you every day.

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